You all have the same kind of values, you have the same kind of treathments, you all have the sam violence games, you all want beat women to death, killing after killing with this people, they all belong, to the same gates.
You all have the same, mistakes, all you are the same, you take the moeny from the grave, you all belong to the same kind of game, ou eah, ou meke the same, no no, ou cant plane this games, you all want to see the same morgue, you want to say to police the same layes, you all lie the same lies, all your do is fuck from the money, you call it your life, you have gain, the money of somebody elses lives.
You all a treath to the human beings, you all have the same game, every weekend, you dont see friends, you tag along with your wifes, you have not your own childs, you can stay there the whole night, who really wants to see you nomore, there is nothing to do, you really are the same kind.
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