You have your corrupted lifes, 'it corst so you life, you beat them to the wheel chairs and kemo, your girlfriends eat death people, they get boost of it, 'they like to see miserable faces, their ego needs it.
They must come from broken homes, it not, they have some problems of their own, you all see they have aids, their live is nowadays to beat, to get new beefs.
You think they are good, ' I never seen such a pain, what they cause, to see the crying face. To measure everything like pain, you all have your families, its not really nice to see.
They really have the insane side, 'they beat people to see, animalia like you say it, but we all know, i t is caused by a terrible pain.
They all have lookd good, until you came to beat them ugly, its your criminal moves. They all have families, ' you just make your new payday.
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