They are prestigeous

Piia Myyry

You have promised a life to me, you want to feel the beat, you can sing along, you feel the power, move on,

you all have your degrees, academic field, doesnt give money, you all like your families, you spend there all the days,

you like flexibility, it fits you fine, you like your new frineds, they are lonely childs, they have their own toys,

you dont really need it nomore, you need your own door, feeling like a child, you dont need to stand up it no more.

You have education from the international schools, you have your weaknesses, it prevents to move,

you like you new boyfrineds, you dont get along, if they dont pay you, its like owning your new groom,

its not too late, for the new space, you do it all, for your own shakes.

You can have your own dreams, no-one cant steel it, its your home. you all feel good with your friends, they are prestigeous so you say.

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