Tokio girls

Piia Myyry

You all have had your dream lifes, there where you life, its not anything special, you you dont make it on your own, you all have the same friends, the same kind ow lifes, you like to buy similar things.

You dont really want to stay at home, its boring for you, you like city life, easy, without any games, you are all the highway kids, its not a big city, its not even any university living, you just want to life the ordinary life, you have so many childs, we dont know who pays all the life.

You all have the different kind of friends, you life like this every day, 'its your ordinary family lifes, nothing, has changed over the years, the city is the same. The metropolitan cities, with milloin of people, attract you, you like city life, its easy for you, like a tokio girls, its their worlds.

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