You have your own worlds, nothing in common, you sit in your own rooms, 'you go nowhere, except supermercadoo, you have your genious world, you dont fill it at all.
Dont you like to spent your time, with your friends, you havent seek any kind of new lifes, you all destroy it all, i dont like you at all, it doesnt seem to borther you, you insist to have it all.
You khave really nothing to give, you have no education, no nothing, what i need, you like to spay at your own life, talking is esy, boring times are for you, its easy.
You let all the other make your work, you are lazy as hell, so you have it all, being slow is your thing.
Tu esta no rapido, you want it slow, rapodo lave is for you all, in, like you say it.
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