I have just bacome a winter bear, Its cold outside, that you cant really step outside. The roads are like the ice tracks, its really easy the bones to crack.
We can just stay at home, watch movies, and not go to school. I just buy some good snacks, I can work home, luckily, we can have a good chat.
It has been a stormy night, the ships dont leave from the harbours, the air crafts dont fly. Its a good day the songs, to write, you must really stay inside.
I can do my work at my desk, in internet, it is a good way to inter act, I just write my songs in a day, its a easier, that do it another way.
All the life is just a work, you can change it, if it is too heavy load. You never really can know if for sure, people change their work, something new.
Nothing is really for a lifetime, it is a good, I even dont want to remember, every era of my life, anyway. I just want to be on a move, some people just want to stand, under the scandinavian moon.
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