You are rude to a woman

Piia Myyry

You are rude to all of your friends, you like to see people cry, you arrange new crimes at homes, you keep them friends, even you havent meet them at all. You all know what you do, you still like your violent life, its like crimes in europe, violent towards the humand, like history times.

You beat people at their work plaaces, its all the time crimes against the bodies, you all have made it to get violence, you sent them to the hospitals, to prevent their freedom and rights, you beat them at home and bed, its always the same game.

You come to see them, even you have beat them ot hospital beds, you all like to life like that, you get the extra money, in the city of helsinki, where there is all the survaillance, yout office is near esplanad park, there you play your violent game, over the finland, every day.

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