You have an easy work

Piia Myyry

You all seek for new crimes, its fun to find, new criminal schenes, like in some american films, you all have been beating, the people like criminals, you see that of the pics, you have tried all life,to prevent their living, they sit at home, so it is easy to beat them, you are terrorist, i guess in these levels, you are active in crimes all the days.

You all have been I guess convicted, of your illegal games, agains humans, during the days. You all have many wifes, around the baltic regions, you have had your lifes in both sides, you all have a good educations, they have done nothing, talk all day longs.

You all spend time at home, these is no reataurants, you see who follow the rules, are if there is other kind of people, you have an easy work, the problems are at other peoples homes, you carry them to their problems, you have always been a problem child, you have been kicked out of schools, we dont know, why you dont fit in.

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