You all have your childhood friends, you have lived nowheve, its all the time finland, you have so many childs, you cant go anywhere, you just stay at your homes everyday, you think you own it all, the free spirits have their own homes.
Work and work, thats what you do, its your goal, every day, you make good money of it, its not like in here, everything is difficult, nothing really is interesting. Quiet cities have really nothong to give. Same girls in their homes, they go nowhere, to the grogery stores, they have nothing to give, exept girly things, those you dont like.
You like your black clothes, its your brand, public life, it the costa life, its your blanck angel, over the years, you make money like the gold, you have it all, all the nights you are with me, you are good giver, i am your sinner.
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