Your own mistakes

Piia Myyry

We are back to old lifes, we write irish songs, travel with trains, in europe, enjoying the freedom, what it gives, its always fun, you see much, happy people like travelling, its what they need, they like to be rude, the faces they see doenst satisfy you, you make them procucts, more likfe food, its not their living you are inpressed, you are so jealouse, you make them clean.

You really humilate people, getting the cotrol over it, nobody want to see you, just travelling with your friends, who soften it all, you all have met in restaurants, you have easy work, all the hard life goes to your family, and life you have no hobbies, or life that you sit at home with your wife, and listen the other dimentions, you like it. You make the other people pay, of your own mistakes, you live all the time in paralell universums, like the gates.

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