

Sanat ja sävellys: Riitu Ronkainen

I didn't see My wings were broken I was so deep Felt like dying I couldn't speak The words unspoken I was so afraid But decided to try

Then suddenly Something happened You came To bring me to life

You are my shining light My angel My love I adore you

I didn't know How things could change I almost gave up Once again

Now I know That everything can happen And I know That you are mine

You are my shining light My angel My love I adore you You are my shining light My angel My love I adore you

You came You understood And listened You believed in me


Now I know That everything can happen And I know That you are mine

You are my shining light My angel My love I adore you You are my shining light My angel My love I adore you

Angel Shining light Love

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