Search results for query: Bambu Alaçatı Hotel Yorumlar

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Oon mulle mun ting
Hotel Transylvania
37.03 %
they are footballers
Piia Myyry

…You all love you violent lives, you get to money of corruption, like in ivy times, you beat women to the beds, non is not no, you do what you please, you beat them in hotels, homes and cars, there is always present…

12.95 %
Piia Myyry

…again, you humiliate people, slap to their faces, so you get the o and leave their doors. You invite the women to your hotel rooms, you do what you please, they you come home to eat, you pley with your aids friends, you know what people think, must be something incommon, you cant leave, even if you really need it.…

10.36 %
Rest Calm

…I went to die in a seaside hotel Lanes of memory paved by sweet frozen moments Deathbed memories of home Never let me go Every little memory resting calm in me Resting in a dream Smiling back at me The faces of the…

9.97 %

…muistan viedä kaiken Lempi paperi mulla Lambi Muijas Mahkun bambi En mä sun muijaa tarvii Muijas haluu kauas pois mä hankin Pikachu, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, mätä Biisin flow on tänään tämä Ei huolii ei hätää tää biisi on…

9.32 %

…vauhtiin mut jos sä osaat tanssii sun booty go down down down mut jos sä liikut niinku bambi? Voihan hyvänen aika se tanssi bambin lailla revityt farkkushortsit kun oltaisiin ulkomailla se halus bailaa aina, laitoin rahat…

9.32 %
Rocky road

…I wait for you to come, but you never show up, you are busy with something else, its the girl you met in hotel, play to tease, i never liked the feeling, you know the teasing, you love you life, it is just fine, tired…

8.59 %
8.21 %
Dining at the restaurant

…Sitting at the hotel restaurant, waiting for lobster dining at the fancy bar, enjoying the atmosphere and emotional motions. Dining at your favourite restaurant is fun, these is always some poeple, and lot of bunnies…

7.06 %