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During the nights
Piia Myyry

…not changed, for 20 years, people are educated, to the new changes, they are jealous and fast in everything, in authorities gears roll slow, nothing happens like they do, during the nights, slow gears. You all are angry…

41.54 %
Criminal during the days
Piia Myyry

…people to wheelchairs, on purpose, you never know, who they kill. they really like psycological thrillers, they do it in reall lifes, it goes beyond, all, it is criminal during the days.…

39.88 %
The summer time

…I just like the summer time, it is an easy era to life in a country side, everywhere in the world, everyone likes the sun, and the light wind the hairs to wave, Do you even know, how it is to live in the north pole…

36.85 %
The archipelago islands

…What you become during the nights, For all its an era of another kind, do you become like a delicate oyster rolex, or how do you call yourself, are you like a good rodeo pony? Which forces just drive you, to move…

32.01 %
Violance towards humans
Piia Myyry

…keep it as a game, they end up to the hospitals, every day, you think peolpe dont see, everyone in europe is stargazing. Its like a sky, at night, violance towars humans, attracts these guys, you take new and new human

27.42 %
In the evening

…same feeling, that during the teenages, everyone has their own lifes, you barely see their faces. You cant really count to their word, they do, what they want, there is no respect or fear. Their life is not that busy…

24.12 %
Gaining all the profits
Piia Myyry

…You all have such an ego, you think you can do, what ever you want, and move on, you beat all the families, like in civil war, during old days. Now you call it a new virus, its the same, like, 'like old times, spanish…

22.90 %
Modern Fox
20.70 %
Deathbringer From The Sky

…Hunting victims in the night Feel the terror as flames are burning bright There is... No tower as high or a cave so deep That can save you from its endless spite So bow down and face your wretched destiny A Den filled with…

19.95 %