Search results for query: do the trick

Song and Artist Hit-%
They are bad
Piia Myyry

…people, for you they are bad, black and white is your life, its too insane, all the time, you fuck your group all the time. You like your lifestyle, for you, all the people are something, wrong, You all arrange new crimes, sosiopaths have this style, you do it in all rooms, you want to life outlaw life, that what you do.…

100.00 %
Do the stönö
Juice Leskinen

…Satakunnankadulla kävelin, stönöaskelin, stönösävelin ja kohdalla sähkölaitoksen sain elämänpolkuuni taitoksen Katulyhdyt heilutti ruumistaan Stönö (Do the stönö, everybody do the stönö) Kävi kulkija toimeen tuumistaan…

99.85 %
Dancing in the dark

…way that you gave nothing back I've been ripped off so to speak I don't know nothing 'bout you What can I do? We are just dancing in the dark Don't wanna rock your canoe Resort to kung-fu Jugglin' my way into your heart…

88.64 %
Do The Duck
Hanoi Rocks

…Ok! If you wanna do the duck, Forget everything about rock, Suck the duck, That's right Do it step by step, day by day, The way I say go all the way, Doing the duck, right! Do it on the streets to the big beat, of the

70.41 %
People do all the work
Piia Myyry

…I need to do all, you want your luxory life, ' it fits you well, they beat women, you see it well, but do nothing, you want it all, as long as the other, people do all the work, you are connected to everything, its you…

69.11 %
You do all the crimes
Piia Myyry

…everykind of sicknesses, you do it all the days, in southern or norths, you are active, all day long. You and your friends from the families, has so many people, that they fit in the same class, thats neet, you run your medicine kartell, give wacinne, so thay they life better lifes, still you continue your same game.…

68.73 %
Man Can Go Even Through The Grey Stone

…Man can go through the grey stone Man can go through the great stone Man can go, man can go Men's got to do what men's got to do Men's got to do what men's got to do Men's got to do, men's go to do You can do what you wanna do You can do what you wanna do You can do, you can do

67.27 %
the catwalk
Piia Myyry

…You all love someone of money, they have new marriages, its again a rainbow, they love who they want, its about teasing the society, they are not mean. You all like to boost your ego, dont you have anything else to do

58.64 %
There is nothing to do
Piia Myyry

…You all have the same kind of values, you have the same kind of treathments, you all have the sam violence games, you all want beat women to death, killing after killing with this people, they all belong, to the same…

58.59 %
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