Search results for query: jay north

Song and Artist Hit-%
Come from north
Piia Myyry

…You all love your new lifes, these people, come from north, they get it all, they have stuborn lifestyles, you dont need them, but you dont get rid of their faces, they steel your time, and are everywhere. You give me…

90.85 %
You come from north
Piia Myyry

…, you have money to go out, nobody feeds you, not all the life, its not an easy life, you have been working, the day long, you have had the easy road, just to go to work and pay the loan, all your life.…

89.46 %
They come from north
Piia Myyry

…teachers, with the childs, they have own interests, you run your own business, is a good field, you just need it. >You just make fun of it, your land is boring, get a girl, or interesting work, like all players like their games, ' they come from north, its their only door to be rich.…

82.13 %
You all life in north
Piia Myyry

…You like you potter kind of lifes, you do nothing, you like to surrender all the time, i have really nothing to say, its all so boring, that change the game, you all think you can life like that, you all are in police…

82.02 %
Ideaali & Jay Who?
73.39 %
Jay-Z feat. Mirel Wagner
Paperi T

…Mä oon Jay-Z ennen Beyoncee. Heitän räppärin jokeen. Miten se striimaa? Pari vuotta kiimaa ei riitä. Viime kesästäni monta kesää siitä. Kirjotin tän riimin kun mä täytin kolkyt. Tätäkö tää on nyt? Sä sanoit et ennenku…

71.76 %
Älä unohda mua
Ideaali & Jay Who
69.88 %
Pidä paikkaa feat. Katri Ylander
Ideaali & Jay Who?
68.13 %
Timantteja feat. Perttu L.
Ideaali & Jay Who?
67.18 %
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