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You just work of money
Piia Myyry

…of money, you do fine on your own. You dont like to see people on your space, everything is something for you, not he relaxing days in the nice place, your husband carries you everything, but you are still unhappy…

71.59 %
A man carries yo money
Piia Myyry

…You all have your own degrees, you gain no money, for ordinary people it seems to be more easy, they still like to run after money, you and you child sit home, a man carries you the money. You all wait for sumething…

67.14 %
money tree
piia myyry

…the news, give peaches, how great are you, you have always wanted to make a baby, it must been a dream to you, otherwise you have easy life, no money is an object, it can just be seen from you.…

55.77 %
They love money
Piia Myyry

…, one for all to run run their businesses, you can spend time there, along the rivers, with your family and friends. latinos and espanolas are wicked, they love money, and big meals.…

51.60 %
Its all about money
Piia Myyry

…people cry, its fun for you, all the time, like be on peoples faces, everythime, laplay some cops, you study nothing, its all about money,…

50.48 %
So you spend your money
Piia Myyry

…You all have the same field, you all want to do the same kind of lifes, you benefit of other peoples work, you do nothing, everythign is done for you, you are lazy, you control people of, psykiatric violance, nobody…

46.75 %
You have money
Piia Myyry

…somethings, you choose your own life, games, you like to play, dont you ever get bored, of all these people, you see. When you just come, its easy, you have your globe, all is yours, it all is really for tease, you like to be with women, they give you gladly, you have money.…

46.65 %
Money and the friends
Piia Myyry

…all have been living the central european city life, you like no love, just your own ex wifes, you talk to them of their work, sex and money are your friends. You all love your egosentric lifes, you all want to see in…

46.52 %

…precious power and money what do they care? But you're a man you've got to care love thy f++king neighbour look after thy brother…

45.61 %