Search results for query: thor-and-loki-fusion-r-tomhiddlestonfanart

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Passion and the Opera
18.88 %
Young And Restless

…We're survivors Dodge lightning Hit and run, hit and run Teen vikings Hands are rising To the sun, to the sun When all the work is up Who gives a F? We just got paid And we forget about our troubles While we play the…

18.56 %

…poet's paradise Challenge the Riddler and you will see Riddler, Riddler ask me why All mothers beneath the Earth and sky Hold theait children's hands for a while Their hearts forever... yours and mine Make me wonder…

18.23 %
7 Veljestä 2 feat. Avain, Elastinen, Iso H and Jussi Valuutta

…elaksis kivi ja ne seittämän veljestä rähinä tulee, pois edestä setti takuul taittii tupla-r enterpraissii biittei riimei hiphoppii bissee rahaa ja naisii messis kaikki mun gaissit broidit eri vanhemmista kävi miten kävi…

16.50 %
F. R. David

…man Melodies are so far my best friend But my words are coming out wrong Girl, I reveal my heart to you and Hope that you believe it's true 'cause Words don't come easy to me How can I find a way to make you see I love you…

15.36 %
The Riddler
15.09 %
A love and divotion

…All the songs, sings the same thing, the love and divotion of every human being, how hard it is always leave everything behind, to built something new, with the new love, since its never ever so pure, you just life your…

15.02 %
Flesh and blood
Risto Matti
14.48 %
Flesh and blood
Risto Matti ja nalle
13.27 %