Search results for query: twin jet

Song and Artist Hit-%
Twin Peaks
95.80 %
Paid of success
Piia Myyry

…You are my husband, you tease me good, you have your own life, your own moods, you are light, it suets you good, you are easygoing, its formula lifestyle. You have seen to world, you have a jet and your new work. Its…

16.96 %
Elusive Reaches

…Protector of the sun arrives with light From the edge of the world to the highest heights. With a thunder blast he greets his twin, And falls back to oblivion. From the western plains where nature blooms. Roams the…

15.33 %
Classical nights
Piia Myyry

…, all life, you come from milano jet sets, its your penthouses obove the rome, you have good parties, like old time, when armani died. You all have your new roses, in your clothes, it shines like their new faces, its like…

14.88 %
Koodii feat. Ina

…, tää on aika eroo niinku jet lag. 2X Sä laitat koodii sit ku sulle käy, joskus kahelt yöllä ku muit ei näy. Ehottelet kuuta ja taivast vaik joku toine vie sun aikas. Aina silti me kadotaan, vaik sovitaan ettei tehtäs…

12.47 %
Pihalla susta

…oon aivan pihalla susta, oon pihalla susta! Yritä tässä jotain järkevää sanoo Ku mun sydän vetää taas Twin Peaks -tremoloo. Te ootte kyllä niiku vastanaineet, mut sun katse sotkee mun välittäjäaineet. Mä oon aivan…

12.25 %
Johda Mua Harhaan

…Silmillä sulosen Salomen Sä et huomaa mua sotkussa valojen Sydän nukkumassa ja kanssa kalojen Mä lopetan tän tekemällä alotteen Menit, veti jet setit puoleen Tuli turpaan ja itseni hukkasin kuoleen Vedit alta maton Oli…

11.01 %

…Trapped in a maze, can't get away, what have you became now take the hammer of the elders and crush your way out His presence is shaking the land as he stands at the mountain peak His instincts are getting weak, but there is…

8.77 %

…Songs as a seduction of sirens The elf-folk is calling me Tapio, Bear-king, Ruler of the forest Mielikki, Bluecloak, Healer of the ill and sad Open the gate and let me follow the uncarven path The way to the lands Where…

7.63 %
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