Search results for query: what-to-do-to-support-mental-health

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Against the health
Piia Myyry

…people, all your lifes, you are connected that way, there is limits, for every kind of criminal games, you have to coruupted group, its your family, against the health, and all the genious things. .…

73.91 %
Its their real lives
Piia Myyry

…It goes too far, you like your mental part, you like to play with all kind of violance, you have your own problems, its in other peoples faces, you like to beat hard, you do it on your own gates, like a war. You like…

51.39 %
gladly to airport
Piia Myyry

…up to the morgue, before it you take their organs, and fix them of your own. You all run gladly to airport, they do what they can, you like to fuck them all, room is empty, you can choose your new doors, how does it…

50.81 %
Piia Myyry

…, you have another style, comes from states, feeling of all values dizy, do you think all life is the same. For man everything is almost a game. I am tired of hearing what you say, You havent been good on anything, you…

48.29 %
Immortal lifes
Piia Myyry

…fuck, you have all the space, you can do what you want, you have no kids. You all play with your heath, 'you have to work, you all want to enjoy, please do it for sure, all over again, you just do the same.…

47.85 %
human kind of fundamentalism
piia myyry

…makes me forget it all. Do you think that kind of start is healthy? How far you want to push, do you want me something to say? I still want o see you naked, nobody of the sweet packings make me to scheer up, everybody who…

47.74 %
17 Reasons
Emily Frost

…If there is something you’d like to say I’m here for you To comfort you I’m your support I won’t fall short If you want to tell me what is on your mind, You can share what is in your heart I’m the only one who wants to

47.01 %
What kind of music is walch

…own, its just a crazy decidion, to breakyour own creation, all you have created to the earth, do you really have, a better life, with someone else. We all can change our masks, like in an italian party, to have more…

46.73 %
Solitary heaven of love (part 2)
Piia Myyry

…You see your frieds, dont take ay time for us,just make new friends, I cant tel you, how to live, e ven though I have much to give. I have seen a lot, happiness and srrow, hw pepe wder, what to do or what not. Maybe…

46.52 %