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Doctors who arrange
Piia Myyry

…You all like army lifes, they need kids, and romance in their lives, you have seen, every kind of life, ' this is like a finnish climat, ' all the time. You have the new friends, i dont know who you see, or how you…

49.52 %
You select who gets what
Piia Myyry

…You all want to see people, you are social, they like to fight, its starts to be boring to watch all the time, you all have the same life, they get along well, the sickness, is their game, you spread it like a diseace…

49.37 %
The ego is like a god
Piia Myyry

…of time, to see them, happy homes are, somewhere else. You are all cruel to the women, you see it later, when you have the need of the families, you really no tplay along at all, you take care of all your needs, it doenst really matter who fills it. Its all you and your self, the ego is like god, you dont see yourself.…

46.66 %
Who back up with your life
Piia Myyry

…guess, you play with your own friends, and go around the city, you already have the big city lifes, its not about the family, more like living in your own city, with your friends, who back up our life, when it is something wrong, you need it.…

40.67 %
Who do you give it all?
piia myyry

Who do you give yourself? All the pain, sorrow and deseases? Who deserves all the good from you, love. welfare and desire. Who do you give it all? Are you ready to loose it too? one, gardinal mistake can change it all…

39.10 %
Extra powers
Piia Myyry

…hired you to the big business as well. I nevr have had so much luck, is a prize of a lady, who you never appreciated too much of. I have always wanted an easy life. Lots f kids ad a bid america house. Just to make the…

36.02 %
More selffish

…My frineds are more selffish, they do nothing if they dont like it, they ignore everything, you are just "nada" to them, if they think that way. The life for them is really not love or family, its just having fun, and…

29.49 %
Piia Myyry

…You and your dick, are in focus, all day long, i heard its 25 inches, or sentimeters, so you self say it, with it you can satisfy womens need, it always comes on need, you are not romantic, all love is on the O, for you…

29.29 %
Song of Myself

…The nightingale is still locked in the cage The deep breath I took still poisons my lungs An old oak sheltering me from the blue Sun bathing on its dead frozen leaves A catnap in the ghost town of my heart She dreams…

28.34 %