

Today I found my mind in a line ready to be fried My amputated legs have left me lying in the landslide Happiness from satellites is happiness for all us termites Hunger keeps on growing and becomes the master Confiscated, underrated Oh, my time is nigh No don't leave no witnesses alive

Take away this guilt, I beg you, feed it to the fire Take away my blindfold, let me see who is the liar

Confiscated, underrated Oh, my time is nigh Just don't leave no witnesses alive Devastating, excruciating, wash away my sins Tomorrow's world is for no such thing as me

Confiscated, underrated Oh, my time is nigh Just don't leave no witnesses alive Devastating, excruciating, wash away my sins Tomorrow's world is for no such thing as me

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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