As If


As if, as if

As if it matters Innit, innit 'what happens, happens'? As if as if's were enough

Is it, is it a fit of angst we see Is it a bit the fear of failure It is as if we gave up

It's like we lack nothing Kind of kind and so mind numbing It's kind of like losing touch

And I can't find me inside I hide in an empty smile And I have left me behind In words that aren't mine

The scene, the scene - the screen's endless In style in style... check out my new stress I've seen this stream – did I ditto that? Like I really care!

Pretend pretend life's a bluescreen upload dreams in your B-movie its kinda like life - but not

And I can't find me inside I hide in an empty smile And I have left me behind In words that aren't mine

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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