Master Passion Greed


Who the hell are you to tell me What to do, why to do, why bother Leech in a mask of virtue Such waste, to ever think of you again

Hey Judas, your Christess was our love Hit and run, your will be done Never sorry, never wrong More more more more more

Master passion greed Master passion greed

"Hello. How are you? Let me explain one thing. All for her and more for me Why is it so hard to see? I see no sense in doing this Not enough for me I fuck up everything but let me explain."

Some Day Some day you shall flee Panting and weak

Master passion greed Master passion greed Master passion greed Master passion greed

All within me gone but pain and hope Hoping that the pain would fade away

Greed, your master passion I Feed the mouth that bites me Mammon, opiate of the masses The reek of your lies draws flies

Seek her Seduce her Tame her Blame her Have her Kill her

Seek her Seduce her Tame her Blame her Feast on it all

Seek her Seduce her Tame her Blame her Have her Kill her

Seek her Seduce her Tame her Blame her Feast on it all

With awakening The tears will begin To my everlasting shame Silence took me

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