You all bite to the neck

Piia Myyry Piia Myyry

You all bite to the neck, ou run your criminal behavious, in different states, you need to learn to relax, for your own sakes, you all have your weaknesses, what do you need, you like to do nice things, but its the same needs, over the years.

You all have the same lifestyle, you like to spend your days at spa, you all like to have love, your games are the same, only lifes are different, it depends of finance, the guys like the game.

You all love to work in the city, you have no cars, you like to be near, everywhing is arraged for you, all the time, you all have your own surroundings, near or far.

You all benefit of your own way, how do you make music, there is noise over the days, you feed your jealouse girlfriends, to makes stress to other peoples homes, you dont think other people at all, you live like old times, you beat the women with tools, you dont inform of leaving, your game is criminal behaving..

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