Fight for your own space


You play, all the time,your own games, other people, really dont matter, its your way of life, your own life.

You are from a split family, you are used to live like it, it is always a different lifestyle, if you are wise, you admit it.

There is people form different ages, I dont want to know them at all, I want to stay on my own, at my territory, at my space.

They never do what I ask them to do, its useless to pay attention to their living habits. Its just their profession or love, is it any better than your own life, its really useless to play their silly little games.

I search some place, to have a restful day, there is billions of people, they all have some problems, of it to ease. There is always those who take it all, just fight of your own life, its everyday work in the every place.

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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