Hanky banky

Piia Myyry

You all like to rock, ' you listen your new slow pop, 'you cal it acid jazz, or something like that, you can boogie all night, with some new guys, on the beach, and play new music.'

The chinos attract you all the nights, 'its something wild, you like latino style, you can have your new hips, 'you have always liked ribs, its fits for you just fine, ' playing days and nights, the same style.

She talks different words, it makes you crazy, you cant feel your own headbeat, you just want it more and more, you are the one who desires love, after love you move.

She looks distant and cold, but mealt your heart, you think it is a stone, you really can rock to my panties, all days and night we can do hanky-banky.

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