The wife


I just want privacy, my life has changed, I am now more public, its not because of my work, its because of the music, which I write for people to share it.

I come from the north, where the days are long during the winter, its cold outside, you dont want to stay there long outside. I rather write to myself, than absorb every peoples talk, just to hear the game, they play.

I have decided to leave the town, it starts to be small, I am not a school kid anymore. I have never run after the family, I have worked a lot, it has sucked from me a lot.

I dont want anymore, to give so much from me to work. I just want the family and the money, to life by the beach, under the sun, to have Californian sun.

I love to live by the beach, near the city, where it is easy the kids to feed. I like crowded places, its nice to see new faces. But they all have their own llives, its no need to be shy, with the wife.

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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