Hot Air Balloon


I want to take aside 80 days and nights hot air balloon ride see the big city lights I wanna to see the world With you by my side Lets take to the skies I wanna kiss you in the clouds at midnight I wanna taste life In adventurous light You take me to heights I only dreamed I'd find And tonight I only have you on my mind Let's take to the skies I wanna kiss you in the clouds at midnight

Let's leave behind everything that we know Let's go and see everything this place has to show Hot air balloon, hot air balloon, hot air balloon I wanna kiss you in the clouds at midnight

We'll taste every spice Climb every mountain high I wanna see everything twice Through my own and your eyes I wanna cry Happy tears for life Let's rise to the sky I wanna have you in the clouds at sunrise Let's party with strangers all night Let's drink wine in the park in starlight Then we rise to the sky I wanna have you in the clouds at sunrise

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