Song & Lyrics: Riitu Ronkainen
Every night I wake up to my scream I lay in my bed Weeping and crying out loud How things have come so bad again? I don't understand The pain will be gone If I can clear my mind of thoughts
My Life always seems to be Full of chaos Why can't I be me?
Night will come Loneliness makes me weak I still lay in my bed Weeping and crying again How things have gone so bad again? I don't understand My end is near I feel like I'm already dead
My Life always seems to be Full of chaos Why can't I be me? My Life always seems to be Full of chaos Full of chaos
I'm walking towards the light Life's vanity fondles my skin
My Life always seems to be Full of chaos Why can't I be me?
I'm walking towards the light Life's vanity fondles my skin
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