Search results for query: After+life

Song and Artist Hit-%
shadow life
Piia Myyry

…free on stages easily, your live hasnt been so rosy, but after all you have become, who you really are, better face it. In these wicked places, you havent loose your soul, after seen all the faces, i dont know how much it…

100.00 %
Kids running after you
Piia Myyry

…, from the illegal ways you make you living, they go to moms to eat, when they divorce, its so they live. You take me to drive, its different levels you live now, you like to spend your life like old days, with your…

98.99 %
Its so glorious life
Piia Myyry

lifes, its so busy, all your life. You all seem to work all the time, its big you say, you mean icehockey, you life your work, all days, you want to move back home, you all seen to come back, after all.…

86.86 %

…TImes, which are passing by, are rougher than I thought. People, who I meet are crazyer, and more jealous than I ever seen. Life in Helsinki is like in hell. People, who I meat are like devils. Hard work gives rough…

79.25 %
Its pretty different life
Piia Myyry

…. You observe people, do nothing. Its pretty different life, i have lived in europe, most of my life. You run after you man and child, you think they have not their own lives, You all want to spent time with your friends. you like your forrest life, There its not much to do, but it is just fine…

74.78 %
A life like a fairytail (joululevy, 2)

…of female sex, you are my xmas doll, I just want to be with you, you give me a peace and harmony, with your candy stick, you can create a life like a fairytail.…

63.95 %
Need a wife
Piia Myyry

…to see how you life, you have many lifes, there you have always been, it doenst carry far for me, you havent never need to be poor, all has been so easy. Moving after the life, Its easy under eurepean sky, where all my friends are, they all need a wife.…

58.37 %
Sonata Arctica

…Your life isn't illusion Time is a eager delusion A cage is a creation Of someone's imagination If life makes you glow Then glow like a star Build a night Ignore the day On the sky leaving the clouds To defy gravity…

56.80 %
After 300 days

…You say you don't want me you say you don't love me anymore You say you don't need me you have a new girlfriend in your home But I still love you more than ever I didn't believe you I want you into my heart After

56.50 %
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