Search results for query: Elvis+keep+it

Song and Artist Hit-%
Melkee Elvis

…"Sitä saa mitä tilaa, nii." Kävelen ku nostasin penkkipressis penkki messis Mä oon henkisesti vitun Suomen Elvis Presley. Mul on metrin penis ja juon benzeenii treeniks Ku sä taas letti geelis vatkaat berberii geelis…

100.00 %
(Funky) Keep it

…If you find it, keep it, if you have it do it, if you love it, beat it, if you want it, seach it, you and you, back to mood, me and you , make the move, you and you , see soon, me and you, love the move. You and me…

94.33 %
you keep them as slaves
Piia Myyry

…you like your work, it's nothing interesting to me, but it keeps you in goof feelings, you like your workmates, they do what you like. You beat people in your gates, you keep it normal, you take of them what they want…

67.71 %
Keep them healthy
Piia Myyry

…, you have the 3td marriage, you run after dick its easter, gourmee meal, every day. You all gp to court, its so illegal, i havent never seen before, you like to be between everything, you thing it is in finland legal, you…

67.11 %
Keep playing dead

…I'll be gone No one will argue if I leave it unsaid And no one will see me if I keep playing dead I'm black when it's dark and I'm white when it's snowing I stand back when they call for the volunteers to step in I sleep…

66.12 %
Keep mood happy
Piia Myyry

…, you study nothing, it must be in your brains, something is blocking the intelligence, or you are just lazy. I have to do many things, i like to spend the days, on my own things, they life from other peoples needs, its…

61.07 %
Just Niin Kuin Elvis
Pää Kii

…Valtaistuin kutsuu, beibi, mä teen itsemurhan Jä jätän kesken tämän Paskareissun turhan Niin kuin Elvis Just niin kuin Elvis Vessanpytyllään Ei meno Memphisis tuu paremmaksi muuttuun Kaikki turha löytyy kaikki…

56.87 %
Elvis ei meitä vihikään

…siinä portailla Joka riidas jotain särkyy Me oltiin toisillemme myrkkyy Meidän lentää piti Vegasiin Mä olin susta enemmän ku sekasin Mut jäljel ei oo pelimerkkiikään Elvis ei meitä siellä vihikään Elvis ei meitä siellä…

56.70 %
Keep On Galloping

Keep on galloping my black horse carrying me to unknown shores through these outlandish woods and with confidence back home Lennä, laukkaa heposeni, lennä, laukkaa hallavaharja, kiiä halki kangasmaitten, murjo poikki…

37.21 %
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