Search results for query: activities-of-daily-living-for-autism

Song and Artist Hit-%
A burden of living
Piia Myyry

…violend and ill, its just a burden of living. Its not really nice to see, 'it doent feel like it, i have my own needs, you think people are not egosentric, they do what feeds them, financially or emotionally, you want just…

77.62 %
Divine Act Of Lunacy
Ghost Brigade

…If it helps you, you can always run away And if it makes you feel any better You can tear yourself apart But in the end you will stand alone And your shadow stares back at you You wish for the end of the world And for

35.05 %
Waiting for a baby

…I am pregnent for you. I am caring a child for us. It gives me feeling of love. It is what Ialways wanted of life. It gives me mixed motions. It gives me fear and joy of motions. Pregnent for you makes me blossom…

34.87 %
Fight for your own space

living habits. Its just their profession or love, is it any better than your own life, its really useless to play their silly little games. I search some place, to have a restful day, there is billions of people, they…

32.56 %
For the Heart I Once Had

…molten virgin snow For the heart I'll never have For the child forever gone The music flows, because it longs For the heart I once had Living today without a way To understand the weight of the world Faded and torn, old…

32.39 %
A good writing songs

…I dont have anybody to talk to, that why i a good writing, songs, lonelyness feeds creativity, its ok, you can make a living of it. I have done this for ages, sometimes it is good to hide under the surface, it gives a…

31.55 %
Waiting For The Cavalry

…the end there is no right, just variants of wrong I'm still waiting for the cavalry Trade all my love for one dive in the light After all these burns I welcome the night Come, drift away now with me Trading myself for nothing…

30.72 %
Waiting for me to wake up
Piia Myyry

of that to fight. Your gang loves a coffee in the mornings. Waiting me to pour it and have my door open. to enjoy the hole boundaries, is a new hobby. the mornings are hard, for the evening persons, sleepless nights…

30.59 %
The sun is for you like a icebraker (joululevy 3)

…remember those cold season days, you are now like my xmas angel. that is, what i need, to be as happy as now, for all ages. We are living in our new house, It is not defenately any country house, it is far away from the…

30.40 %
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