Search results for query: bullet-journal-spread-ideas

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I spread my wings

…I just want to see you right away, in the mornings, I just want to marry you, you are so crazy, I just spread my wings, and fly to you. Its now sunday, its our freeday, we can stay the hole day in bed, all my friends…

37.54 %
The bullet proof doors
Piia Myyry

…I only answer to good notes, i select my audience, I dont like wars, i just sit behind the bullet proof doors, its lawyers work in big cities, there is no open doors. You just do your work, everything is written, you…

30.47 %
Keep playing dead
20.59 %
Murheiden kaatopaikka

…ennen vesijumppaa Kunnes luuri kilahtaa illan bileet perutaan (voi vittu) Tä on mun henkinen maailmanloppu kaikki kaatuu, oon ihan loppu pitäiskö popsii buranaa vahvempaa (ohoii) Mun pää on murheiden kaatopaikka tä on…

14.66 %
13.27 %
Take me to your dealer
11.99 %
Pohjolan tuulet

…helpommin Lauluni laulan sulle, kun kesäyön aurinko laskee Ja pohjolan lempeät tuulet vastaa uua uua uua uuu Läpi yön lauluni sulle, se kaikuu järveltä kaskeen Ja pohjolan lempeät tuulet vastaa uua uua uua uuu En tiedä…

11.77 %
Deathbringer From The Sky

…treasures and gold No longer calms his spirit so cold Again it is time to spread the wings of doom A Growl shakes the ground Flames blind men and smoke covers the stars As he rises towards an ancient sky The era of…

10.09 %
Dreams feat. Ramona
Pale Tone

…time's gone and I feel just fuckin' great when chicks ask me autographs and ain't tellin' im fake now I can say i reached my dream people recognize cuz they've seen me in magazines spread love with my crew from 082 and…

7.90 %