Search results for query: do you want the bulids snowman

Song and Artist Hit-%
Do you want build a snowman? (Lumiukko tehtäisiinkös?)
100.00 %
You want back home
Piia Myyry

…gained it, northern man want to own women, and use the power to do it, you must have a northern man, who pay just for the company, since loneliness is not fun. You can just style everything, yourself and room, someone pays for it, when you get abroad, you really don't enjoy it, you want back home, and stay with your family.…

68.93 %
You want the actions
Piia Myyry

You all think, the medicine cures, you are like kids, you want the attention, holding hands, or go to the same graves. You have always played the fool, you are lazy, the people depend on you, your are just the same…

66.62 %
You want just more
Piia Myyry

You take the control of everything, you want to see their sad faces, you just enjoy of it, you really do youself nothing, you wonder, why people stay, at the city long in the evenings, they have worked like that over…

66.56 %
You dont want more
Piia Myyry

…habits, its all so childess, i dont need to see it. You have been living like this ages, its your community, you like people talk, they like peace, which you seen to give, you wan teverybody to compensate you holes, its all the time the same kind of life, you dont want more.…

63.70 %
People do all the work
Piia Myyry

…I need to do all, you want your luxory life, ' it fits you well, they beat women, you see it well, but do nothing, you want it all, as long as the other, people do all the work, you are connected to everything, its you

63.54 %
You observe in the loop
Piia Myyry

…crimes in medicine, you say you belong in the agenda group, you can do what ever you want. You all lead the same life, you have flats, and your old wifes, they cant excape, you run other peoples life, you observe the in loop, there is the next genaration, already working in the city, during the days, and nights.…

60.75 %
There is nothing to do
Piia Myyry

…gates. You all have the same, mistakes, all you are the same, you take the moeny from the grave, you all belong to the same kind of game, ou eah, ou meke the same, no no, ou cant plane this games, you all want to see the

60.53 %
You are the one
Piia Myyry

the whole day to do something, you just roll around the streets, and do nothing, you sit all day at home, and wait for the second day, or evening, you have nothing to be afraid of, you are the one, jwho peope are fed up for, you can really say with your friends, ill men do the decidions, of behalf of their friends.…

59.68 %
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