Search results for query: fried mashed potatoes

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…kompastuu Oon sotamies, lähden uuteen taistoon Muut väsähtää, venyy aamuyölle tunnit nää Vain yksi jää silloin iskemään Tahdon ampua Tahdon murhata Headshottia Counter Terrorist! Tule niin ammun sut ritsalla Lävistän…

19.90 %

…Today I found my mind in a line ready to be fried My amputated legs have left me lying in the landslide Happiness from satellites is happiness for all us termites Hunger keeps on growing and becomes the master

10.33 %
Just a friend
Piia Myyry

…are just beyond it all, but you seem to want more and more. You all seem to guide your friends, they all have already kids and other games. You are still in the same level, you havent wanted more, just a friend.…

9.27 %
8.64 %
I have no friends
Piia Myyry

…I write to myself, I am mtv generation, its my friend, i do everything myself, there is not much aid, I have no friends. You all still have your cosy lifes, in vienna its really a city style, grinzing wineyards and…

8.13 %
My sweet friend
Piia Myyry
7.40 %
Friend Like Me
7.22 %
doctor friends
Piia Myyry

…I have my childhood friend, they are kind, nice to be with good friends, you cant really brake peoples bones, you like golden cut, breaking everybodies bones. you dont let them to do their work, you are so hyperactive…

7.16 %
Loistat Pimeäs
Mikael Gabriel
6.38 %