Search results for query: frozen-food-another-word

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Do you want build a snowman? (Lumiukko tehtäisiinkös?)
47.37 %
Jasmin frozen
Jasmin Sinisammal (Elsa, Frozen)
43.75 %
Audience has another game
Piia Myyry

world, it really gives you security, dont stay alone, there is good and bad people. You are kind as a human, its a raw work, where you have to be something else, to feed audience, to stay human. its a raw speed, you…

36.22 %
Frozen 2 tuntemattomaan
Katja sirkiä (Elsa)
33.06 %
Its this another side
Piia Myyry

…You all have your kids, you run the days with your families, cook and go to work, they like to be with their friends, and go for coffees, you like to see people in restaurants, and be with them all the days. It all…

31.65 %
On jokin hänessä vinksin vonksin
Frozen, Suomalaiset esittäjät
31.04 %
Another cirme scheen
Piia Myyry

…I never seen such a raw crowd, they beat people at their homes, and change their lifes, it all goes to worse, its their purpose to be mean, in every doors. You really want to fuck with violance, its like in the movies…

30.08 %
Making Today A Perfect Day FINNISH
Elsa & Anna Frozen
28.73 %
Food you are feated
Piia Myyry

…have been doing the same things, all your lifes, you have not been, interested in other things, than your tasks, or food you are feeted. You are all criminal on your companies, you like to play your own missions, like…

28.44 %