Search results for query: things-to-say-instead-of-kind-regards

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human kind of fundamentalism
piia myyry

…makes me forget it all. Do you think that kind of start is healthy? How far you want to push, do you want me something to say? I still want o see you naked, nobody of the sweet packings make me to scheer up, everybody who…

69.70 %
My own things

of it all, or to tell nice things, or who to feed. I have friends but they have their own lifes, and fights. They come to ease their own lifes to say, hi. I just want to make music, this time, it all comes easy, I dont…

68.05 %
Bigger things
Piia Myyry

…Do you like to torture yourself, you see things so shining, its your thing, 'they really make people suffer, they enter again and agains to the other courts, not hey are already, adults, bigger things, are what they…

67.96 %

…? Do you think baby and marriage make me forget it all? Do you think that kind of stat is healthy and carries far? How far you want to push me, what do you want me to say. I want to see you naked. Nobody on the sheets…

67.46 %
You never change your things
Piia Myyry

…You all have the same kind of lifestyles, you do to work, and slip of the raw violance, agains the kids and wifes, you roll the same circle like in muslim countries, the women have some product value, even the own block…

61.50 %
Jealouse they say
Piia Myyry

…it works, you seem to now nothing, still it all goes on, you really like your gateliving, its for every kind of people, you dont know, who is tagging there in the evenigs, these people are violent all day long, they feds their spouses with pain, jealouse they say, but do nothing.…

55.94 %
You have kind men
Piia Myyry

…You all have the same kind of education, you have no hurry of anywhere, you have kind men, they really have better love and things, they buy them flowers and jewelleries, take them to the airports, pick them up from…

53.19 %
Its like in kindergarden
Piia Myyry

…You all have the same kind of friends, boy and girl, who like to be with you, its like in kindergarden, you fight for you own lifes, its just your style, the some people like to have fun, not the angry guys, those who…

51.83 %
There is nothing to do
Piia Myyry

…You all have the same kind of values, you have the same kind of treathments, you all have the sam violence games, you all want beat women to death, killing after killing with this people, they all belong, to the same…

48.89 %