Search results for query: usd-to-myr-history-2020

Song and Artist Hit-%
Emily Frost

…rights and equal treatment Who’s to decide who is worth less Can’t erase the past so why not Give our present a good purpose? 2020 was a nightmare Didn’t want to stay wake All I did was sleep late can’t find comfort in…

86.44 %
annapuu ja olavi uusivirta
36.69 %
Kesäkuntoon 2020
Nost3 & Protro

…Woo-o woo-o Woo-o woo-o (Ei oteta turhaa stressii kesäkunnosta, 2020, sillon kaikilla on sikspäkit, nyt saa vielä nauttia rauhas) Lets go! Vuoden vaihtees mä lupailin kaikkee, kondis jäi puheiden tasolle vaihteeks…

29.64 %
Tämä Yö (2020)
Marko Maunuksela
23.92 %
Hiljainen viikko 2020
Joose Vähäsöyrinki
22.00 %
All for Victory
Angelo De Nile

…you have to give Leave, leave, leave your name in history Live, live, live all for victory I have it all and I’ve earned it all Now it’s plain to see it’s all destiny And when all is through and my time has come I still…

21.18 %
It really hits to your soul
Piia Myyry

…You are keen on everything, people have not harm you, you still trust them, i dont kow about your history, you have wanted to have fun. I like those creative lifes, it nver becomes to dull, like some others lifes, you…

15.50 %
You are rude to a woman
Piia Myyry

…like crimes in europe, violent towards the humand, like history times. You beat people at their work plaaces, its all the time crimes against the bodies, you all have made it to get violence, you sent them to the…

14.60 %
You like to talk

…, you like to talk. Its our day today, you make me laugh, its for you an easy game, you all have the same kind of cars, you have the history, you can see it from your lifes, you all have the small world, you all have…

14.49 %
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