Search results for query: what-are-the-bones-of-the-ankle-foot-and-toes-called-respectively

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You break their bones (nerå)
Piia Myyry

…easily, they have gain all the work, like you all like your videogames in real life, you do what you are feeted, all is after all violance, you and your family benefit of it. You like murder games, suddenly, something…

67.13 %
The bride
Piia Myyry

…eat lot of ribs meat, and see people everywhere in the streets. You are ao flirty, that I am stressed of all the glory. You know what mean the t-bone beef, its delicious, but does it your soul or heart to feed. You call…

57.30 %
they are footballers
Piia Myyry

…You all love you violent lives, you get to money of corruption, like in ivy times, you beat women to the beds, non is not no, you do what you please, you beat them in hotels, homes and cars, there is always present…

55.88 %
The Poet and the Pendulum

of hell One last perfect verse Is still the same old song Oh Christ how I hate what I have become Take me home Getaway, runaway, fly away Lead me astray to dreamer's hideaway I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more…

49.52 %
Money and the friends
Piia Myyry

all have been living the central european city life, you like no love, just your own ex wifes, you talk to them of their work, sex and money are your friends. You all love your egosentric lifes, you all want to see in…

46.39 %
The way of life

…know yourself, if you are a team player and want something else. but you have lied to me, selffishly enough, to have it all. I just like the business life and style, the money of course, and the hunting time for sure. I…

46.22 %
Their life and inheritages
Piia Myyry

…You and people connect, in the gates you live, you have all the time some war going on, you are ll the time active in your moves, i neer seen such a life, you like to break peoples bones, army style suites you good…

45.65 %
You select who gets what
Piia Myyry

…, you make people tired of your games. Its really not a childs game, you all beat lethal diseases all the days, you kill people in hospitals, its just fun for you, all day long, you and your friends roll the department…

45.43 %
Heathen Throne

…" Upholder of the skies, For too long has your name been Despised, Give us your strength and courage. When we meet our nemesis. On the shores that used to be, The place we called home. Our land and faith are raped, Somehow…

44.78 %