Search results for query: what-does-it-mean-when-someone-is-really-quiet

Song and Artist Hit-%
What kind of music is walch

…You have so much to loose, I am really not a fool, I have seen it all as a lawyer, when the life doesnt go, like you have wanted, or you just want to borrow it. Its not a one mans decidion, and you cant really predict…

100.00 %
With someone everyday

…some places, it is just the life, which is all for us given, you just make choises of the quality, its just a way of life. You just choose your own time, you cant really own anybody, its their choise, really to stay. It is really not so different life, with the same person every day.…

57.16 %
You all have the same rooms

…main road, at work and home, you love no-one, you dont even know, when you cross the line. You all have your shelters, its your home, unless someone brakes it, you come and go, the mood is all, the same storms over the years, wedding nights, at the restaurants, as earlier years.…

52.17 %
Women make you mean
Piia Myyry

…been like this over the years, the same rolls every days, you are between everything, you make big injuries, in global, surrefing just feeds you, there is all the time security check problems, where you are and what to…

46.54 %
You all come from finland
Piia Myyry

…them to death, its your style, you dont change much. You just wait and beat, you have no hobbies, 'women you kill, you like your violent life, you have many victims, you have lived like it all your life. You all come from finland, you really life, like in england, you comre from quiet citied, 'behind it you see what it really is.…

43.83 %
You want back home
Piia Myyry

…gained it, northern man want to own women, and use the power to do it, you must have a northern man, who pay just for the company, since loneliness is not fun. You can just style everything, yourself and room, someone pays for it, when you get abroad, you really don't enjoy it, you want back home, and stay with your family.…

43.29 %
People are not so mean
Piia Myyry

…They life like my friends, i have studied in europe, peole are not so mean, you think that the life is the same, they life like in america, more polite ways. But it is enough for you, you are taken cere of you…

40.60 %
Set Me Loose
Bad King

…I've found the one that shakes me hard, but the love is mean when we're apart. Shiny eyes, loving heart. Queen Bee - God's work of art. At first it seems like there's nothing wrong, then it hits you like a thousand…

40.41 %
You have lived nowhere (metal)
Piia Myyry

…their own homes. Work and work, thats what you do, its your goal, every day, you make good money of it, its not like in here, everything is difficult, nothing really is interesting. Quiet cities have really nothong to…

40.31 %
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