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What kind of music is walch

…, the true nature of the woman, this life is like a chaque, you have your moves, you never dont know, anything for sure. Is this life for a one person, how can you think like it, when everybody has a family, of their…

49.09 %
Distance is relative
Piia Myyry

…You all have good works, the whole thing is a burden, for all, its not an easy work, you have to think all through, at your work, its all about you, and your life, its not freedom, that i have, I am bound to do, what

38.82 %
Warrior Without a War

…thing, The very moment is all there is. What are you more afraid to find, Something to live or something to die for? In the end, how will you fall? As a hero or a warrior without a war? Is it courage to let go or drown…

36.60 %
The sun is for you like a icebraker (joululevy 3)

…remember those cold season days, you are now like my xmas angel. that is, what i need, to be as happy as now, for all ages. We are living in our new house, It is not defenately any country house, it is far away from the…

35.29 %
Waiting for a baby

…I am pregnent for you. I am caring a child for us. It gives me feeling of love. It is what Ialways wanted of life. It gives me mixed motions. It gives me fear and joy of motions. Pregnent for you makes me blossom…

34.54 %
You select who gets what
Piia Myyry

…You all want to see people, you are social, they like to fight, its starts to be boring to watch all the time, you all have the same life, they get along well, the sickness, is their game, you spread it like a diseace…

34.08 %
Format C:\

…Parasiitti mun ajatuksia ohjaa. Korruptoitunutta pirstaleista tietopohjaa. Alituiseen komentojaan laukoo. Haavoittuvaa rajapintaani aukoo. En enää jaksa. Muisti ei enää riitä. Format c, teen itsestäni turhan. Format c…

33.16 %
She Is My Sin (Live)
33.07 %
A millionare

…I m not a millionare, but my education costs enough in states, it means work all day long for me, including studies. It is a fulltime work, legal education, costs 3 million in states, so I have heart, with all the costs…

32.63 %