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What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me
My Little Pony: Ystävyyden taikaa
33.62 %
What kind of music is walch

…colder of full path, but does it change anything, of you, is it easier alone to move. Then comes the emptyness, if you like it, everything is fine, otherwise its all the same beat, like if, your head is like a broken glass, it doesnt matter, what kind of music, is the walch.…

31.58 %
Everything is nice
Piia Myyry

…To live like in hotels. its your game during the days, its now a flag day party, everything is nice, even though you dont see, it that way. You can do what you wish, in here everything is easy, it feels like a you play…

29.44 %
Based On You
Ghost Brigade

…Crawling ditches Searching for early days Look at this world It says clearly not for you It's not for pretty eyes You gonna take it It's pointing straight at you How alone you must be That you can't really feel Hopes…

24.08 %
You select who gets what
Piia Myyry

…You all want to see people, you are social, they like to fight, its starts to be boring to watch all the time, you all have the same life, they get along well, the sickness, is their game, you spread it like a diseace…

23.41 %
Distance is relative
Piia Myyry

…You all have good works, the whole thing is a burden, for all, its not an easy work, you have to think all through, at your work, its all about you, and your life, its not freedom, that i have, I am bound to do, what

22.52 %
Everything is close
Piia Myyry

…. You all have like a human beings, you all have good works, you all have been bearting people, the warm of holding hands and company, it what you need, your romance, is making people to cry, 'its nice for you, you like…

21.81 %
Something new

…Life, which is new, I am longing for you. LIfe, which gives me satisfaction, is what desire for. Life, which enriches my personality, is what i a domed for. Life, which gives me joy, is some thing new to built for…

21.45 %
No freedom
Piia Myyry

…, you can do what you want, they stay home,' because thay have no money. There is no freedom, without facilities, your luxory life is based on wellfare, not all have it. It´s just work without much more, feels like a waste of time, without any benefits of it.…

21.29 %