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You must select better
Piia Myyry

…second base, to start a new race. How can you really like it all, you are keen on women, so there must be many of them, you must select better, they really cant life family lifes, they are too jealouse, of everything, 'and

13.28 %
In a legal field

…probably can stay there. My friends have the uni-education, they just want to se people, and at the their works to stay. They would to it anyway, hanging around the city moles, to socialize and have a good talk. They do it…

11.62 %
You select who gets what
Piia Myyry

…, you make people tired of your games. Its really not a childs game, you all beat lethal diseases all the days, you kill people in hospitals, its just fun for you, all day long, you and your friends roll the department…

11.23 %
Kuin jäisellä peltikatolla
Leevi and the Leavings
10.50 %
Kuningatar (Hector In Concert 1966-1991 - CD)

…pidätkö sitä Rolling Stones -paitaa, vai olikse Sacha Distel? Vai joku muu? Vaan minnepäin vaellat illoin, yksin kun jäät vuoteeseen? Kerro mitä mietit sä silloin, kun tuijotat menneisyyteen, etäiseen. Kun sä kesällä…

9.02 %
7 Veljestä 2 feat. Avain, Elastinen, Iso H and Jussi Valuutta

…Tasapaino: taitoo sun takaraivoon hakkaa raivol tasapaino ain oon sua vainoon vaik sul ois toimiva toivomuskaivo tän possen paino murskaa joten vaa parasta kaikkoo rähinä on niin peräänkuullutettu sen on oltava laiton…

8.42 %
Leevi and the Leavings

…koneistettu keittiö. Niin mietitkö sä koskaan sitä missä lie, se solisti sun lempibändistä, kun kaikki on kuin filmistä, kaunotar ja hirviö. Mä olen niin kuin toteemipaalu, taas pystyssä, sykkivänä ja kankeana. Sun miehes on…

8.15 %
Mediterranean lands
Piia Myyry

…Have you changes during the years, have you beated people, to want them suffer, through gates its easy, you are violant to the women and kids, its a reallly a wonder, i never seen women beating a child. You wnt your…

7.80 %
Illegal sector
Piia Myyry

…of their lives. Its always the same time, after the xmas ar easter, when you have the parties, and own fun. You are all the days criminal, you seek the event, which lead some other destinations, than you want, you…

7.78 %