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Spare - PDF Download - Free Audiobook
Prince Harry

…Click here to Download/Stream Book Spare by Prince Harry for free:…

39.50 %
Tell It to Your Mother
Nylon Beat
24.28 %
Heathen Horde

…Too many times has moon travelled across the sky, Since our fathers sailed out for glory and honour, It's time to fulfil the vow once given, Forge your plows to swords, send the word, Raise an army countless as stars in…

23.80 %
showments (adults, engl.)

…You yell, yell and yell, you dont really spell, any good words, its just all the same. I am so bored, I could die, you love like an angel, they say you are wicked like a hell. You dont listen a word, you dont even…

22.22 %
Surrounded by all the women

…something else, be a musician or artist, do something decorative, like my friends from high school, they have their own work rooms, to be innovative and create something new. You have just seen me talking legal vocabulary…

19.68 %
You break peoples bones
Piia Myyry

…You make really diseases, so you have your work, your family is corrupted, you make people work, its nessessary, all the time, you beat pacientes and kill them, you like your small word, there is several similars, you…

19.05 %
Ghost Brigade

…need god What's safe to see we let the eyes I can see no god What you create, what you make So you are a human with no one Show me the ways how you make everything shine I'll make you walk through fire and desire Let hell…

16.72 %
Evil tone
Mikko Herranen

…lost your faith In a world that would smack you in the face There’s so much hate and violence And hope just disappears without a trace Now you don’t have words to say And I don’t know how to say Listen, baby Life is like…

16.03 %
Raised By The Sword

…Oh, who is raised by the sword Can't be beaten Who is toughened by the fire Can't be burned Awaited by immortality Are the ones sacrificing their lives To blood, to victory, to the truth As ye saw, as shall ye reap We…

15.54 %