Search results for query: making own anniversary card

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Anniversary song tom jones
Tom Jones
47.48 %
Everything is close
Piia Myyry

…Its like in Monaco, everything is close, and the view is ashtonishing, you never have seen it, you thing other peoples have not lived, you like to see pretty things, 'you have made your own barbi world, now you are rich…

35.32 %
Making Today A Perfect Day FINNISH
Elsa & Anna Frozen

…!)" ANNA: "Vaivaa oot nähnyt mut mä huolissani oon! Sun täytyy mennä nyt jo kotiin lepäämään." ELSA: "Pois puheet moiset kun jo seuraava on pa... (a-a-a-atsih!) ANNA: "Elsa, sun täytyy luovuttaa!" ELSA: "Ei muuten…

34.36 %
My own things

…need to push so hard, or seek for a big star. I dont care what people say, they dont know, how to collect money anyway. I have just graduated from the school, to make a new move. I have always liked to be abroad, it…

31.97 %
Sipp Ward

…heard them caskets is cold God Bless yo lil soul Yeen mean to hurt nobody Bullets hot they not cold Fast living taking its toll But say wasss hannin Stop all Madness Yeen Never had this A Vision of a Life The Price…

28.90 %
Kids running after you
Piia Myyry

…, beat people, they look tired, its their lives, you roll them in hospitals all the life, making you work by beating people, to the diffenret places, so you spend all your days. You all are insane, you make your own money…

26.83 %
Gate peoples own lives
Piia Myyry

…You seem to be gate leaks, you get all your information, from the wrong lines, its illegal to run criminal life. it is really gate peoples own lifes. The black magia is illegal, pro bono style, you must know it, you…

26.75 %
Piia Myyry

…You all have your own schools, the wrong people sit in the wrong rooms, you arrange new events every day, the audience comes from your relatives, you show, how good you are making crimes, stargating, in your life. You…

26.72 %
Invisible bindings

…All the energy goes to wrong people, or the the wrong places, even you want something else, its hard to fight is they are so selffish, and arrogant, they dont let you to life, your own life, at all. These invisible…

25.81 %