Search results for query: the shamwow guy

Song and Artist Hit-%
Birthday guy

the life, it was earlier a good and deep fashion. Yo can still see it from peoples faces, they have discovered new dimentions and spaces. Are you already at the age og Chanel 5, or do you need still to quide. Are you…

100.00 %
lonely guy on asfalt
Piia Myyry

…You are like a lonely guy on asfalt, you have your own sky, you call it naranja fun, you like the southern beach, its you church, life is there fun and easy. Caliente servesa on the pool, bikinies and your moves, makes…

91.05 %
Between the sheets
Piia Myyry

the time, its a body aic, not a childs life. I have the fire, you spanish guy, make me smile, you just want to do it, everywhere, you are keen, making women to make noise, and move. FA, its your life, you want to tease me, you have everything, still you have time, to feed me, you want to see people, between the sheets.…

57.22 %
Back and forth all the days
Piia Myyry

…You come and go all the days, 'nothing is good, you life your own life and are lazy, we can see it from your face, guy gets all th excitement, of violance, you play with them, you like he revenge, over the days. You…

53.10 %
The split of their wifes
Piia Myyry

the same scheens your self, you are all the time the same guy, who want to beat women to death. Rolling all the time empty, the triangle you see, its your own game, you thing the big cities are not safe, you and your…

49.81 %
The shadow days
Piia Myyry

…You all have lived in the same way, you protect nothing, you all arrange with you old group, the same kind of actionevery day, you think its illegal, you fuck in daylights, and beat at shadow, black gates, like old…

40.23 %
Jealouse of everything

…something else to do. How does my clothes look, those are now different, not the right colour or something else, you are just the simple guy, 'you just want money and love. Yes, we are adults already, the clothes can…

27.93 %
You just must love it
Piia Myyry

…do you take it all back, by marriage, its a big contract, contract for a lifetime, easy money, they say, when you find the right guy. You all know it for sure, 'its old fashion story, you love the history of a human, its like an international treaties, there is always stronger parties, you just must love it.…

27.72 %
They live in shadow world
Piia Myyry

They all have diseaces, I have no friends anymore, I dont want to see these people, they can stay at their own work and groups, i dont need them, they think its silly, but they have nothing to loose, they buy themselves…

27.05 %
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