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What kind of music is walch

…colder of full path, but does it change anything, of you, is it easier alone to move. Then comes the emptyness, if you like it, everything is fine, otherwise its all the same beat, like if, your head is like a broken glass, it doesnt matter, what kind of music, is the walch.…

35.43 %
You select who gets what
Piia Myyry

…You all want to see people, you are social, they like to fight, its starts to be boring to watch all the time, you all have the same life, they get along well, the sickness, is their game, you spread it like a diseace…

25.48 %
What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me
My Little Pony: Ystävyyden taikaa
24.23 %
Sorrow is smaller (Heavy)
Piia Myyry

…new business, you have taken everything, from the authorities, after criminal years, you like it teh sorrow is smaller, you know the thing. You like the girls who are easy, you give it gladly to ease the lonelyness…

23.83 %
Come from north
Piia Myyry

…life. You never give me anything exept the weener, so you call it, its you boosting thing, I dont see it so, but you dont need to hear, what people really think, money is still your thing, you never get rid of the burden of it, its too hard to see it.…

21.84 %
Piia Myyry

…like you, you are too raw, good moves, to the car races. You make people blind, that they cant do their work, beat the legs, so they have to sit all day long, they cant have the sex, at all, normal life, is what you give, you have violent door, you tell what you do, and go on, you never stop, until you get your goal.…

20.72 %
This world is tired of hate, vihaan kyllästynyt
Haloo Helsinki!

…. What life will bring, it will bring it to me. Opportunity of error brings contents of humanity. We are same ashes, same light air, so, peace now, this world is tired of hate. It is the same you believing to kismet or…

20.47 %
You complain about everything
Piia Myyry

…, you dont even drive a car, for you everything is just the same, you havent been good at school, but you like to use people, they are excosted of their working days. They really have to study after the days, you just are nagging, when they they try to do something, what they maybe can do and enjoy of it.…

19.48 %
Piia Myyry

…, you have another style, comes from states, feeling of all values dizy, do you think all life is the same. For man everything is almost a game. I am tired of hearing what you say, You havent been good on anything, you…

19.24 %