Search results for query: what-to-do-when-bored-with-friends-reddit

Song and Artist Hit-%
Torture them with your friends
Piia Myyry

…the time the victim, of all your phaces. You really are not keen on romantic life, its just enough to have, some girlfriend, You just do what you want, ' its still the vantaa game, connected to all your friends, torture them with your friends.…

100.00 %
They play with cancer
Piia Myyry

…same stage, you want to see them suffer. You get bored of your husband, yell to people, you dont care, its always somebody elses world, you are nowadays angry, all day long, all my friends are abroad, you all do nothing…

89.31 %
With your friends
Piia Myyry

…the time, with your friends, you all want to see people, thats what you need, you like to enter peoples homes, you run there like kids, all day long.…

82.65 %
Space with violance
Piia Myyry

…work, not to see your face. You take your space with violance, ' you have your own illnesses, you are almost yourself, in grave, all the friends can come too, you are that type, when it doesnt come to you.…

79.52 %
doctor friends
Piia Myyry

…I have my childhood friend, they are kind, nice to be with good friends, you cant really brake peoples bones, you like golden cut, breaking everybodies bones. you dont let them to do their work, you are so hyperactive…

78.70 %
its all about friends
Piia Myyry

…, you have a better life, you like to stay at your own life, you really want to have it, these guys just sit home, with their wifes. They led them to do what they wont, they go to work and come home, you really like your…

70.91 %
I have no friends
Piia Myyry

…I write to myself, I am mtv generation, its my friend, i do everything myself, there is not much aid, I have no friends. You all still have your cosy lifes, in vienna its really a city style, grinzing wineyards and…

69.76 %
You spend your days, to tulips
Piia Myyry

…You all have the sama fun, breaking bones, all the nights, you think we havent seen it, its the raw life, what you really give to your friends, you tell what you see, but you do it all yourself, then you want attention…

67.71 %
I want to be with you

…. My friends are all at the catwalk, they have pretty guys to feed, they never get bored, of their lives, the guys give them everything, they dont need to be shy, they really control it.…

66.91 %
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